AMD Ryzen Windows 10/11 Theme

Ryzen is a multi-core x86-64 microprocessors designed and marketed by Advanced Micro Devices based on the Zen microarchitecture. Ryzen is the consumer-level implementation of the newer Zen microarchitecture, a complete redesign that marked the return of AMD to the high-end CPU market, offering a product stack able to compete with Intel at every level. Having more processing cores, Ryzen processors offer greater multi-threaded performance at the same price point relative to Intel's Core processors. Threadripper, which is geared for high performance desktops (HEDT), wasn't developed as part of a business plan or a specific roadmap; instead, a small enthusiast team inside AMD saw an opportunity that something could be developed between the Ryzen and Epyc CPU roadmaps that would put the crown of performance on AMD

AMD Ryzen Windows Theme offers an effortless way to enhance your desktop's looks with beautiful 10+ 4K High-Definition wallpapers. Deploying this lightweight themepack on your computer can be accomplished with minimum efforts since you only need to double-click the corresponding downloaded package file. The theme is automatically made available on your system and applied as your current one so that you can enjoy it without having to modify any parameters. You can access or change it quickly by right-clicking anywhere on your desktop, choosing the Personalize option and selecting your favorite entry under the Theme section.

Tags: AMD Ryzen
AMD Ryzen HD Theme

Dimension: HD (1920x1080)
Wallpapers: 15
Downloads: 19,334
Icons: Not Available
Size: 2 MB
AMD Ryzen 4K Theme

Dimension: 4K (3840x2160)
Wallpapers: 6
Downloads: 19,334
Icons: Not Available
Size: 3 MB

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