Linux Theme for Windows 10 & 11
Download Linux theme for Windows consisting of 10+ HD wallpapers from different Linux distributions like Linux Mint, Ubuntu and others.

Themes popular right now
Do you use Windows but also cannot stay away from flexibility of linux? If yes, you are at the right place. This theme inspired by Linux derivatives wallpapers will change looks and feel of your Windows.
Linux has its own pros and cons. While we feel Windows is much more customisable, this theme pack is good for linux users who tend to use Windows also. It comes with 12 wallpapers from different Linux variants like Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Unix, etc. In addition there’s also one linux icon for Computer shortcut on desktop. Download not and bring Linux looking wallpapers to your Windows 10 computer.
Linux HD Theme
Dimension: HD (1920x1080)
Wallpapers: 12
Icons: 1
Size: 2 MB